Youth Research
Are you interested in the lived experience of young people? Interviews and focus groups are tools I use frequently and have extensive experience with!
Have a look at my report based on qualitative research methodology:
Bárta, Ondřej & Deželan, Tomaž. (2018). Volunteering and Labour Market Research International Comparison: Czech Republic and Slovenia. Online, available here
Are overall trends more in your sights? I am able to prepare a tailor-made questionnaire, collect data, and analyse them, preparing recommendations in line with your needs and interests!
Have a look at my report based on quantitative research methodology:
Bárta, O. (2016). Projekty pro mládež výzkumnou optikou. Národní zpráva z šetření výzkumu RAY za období let 2010 až 2013. Online, available here
Would you like to combine life stories and “hard data” in a mixed methodology approach? I can offer you a wide range of possible research designs, combining qualitative and quantitative data in order to support your goals!
Have a look at my report based on mixed research methodology:
Bárta, O., Fennes, H., Gadinger, S. (2019). RAY-LTE: Long-term Effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on Participation and Citizenship. Final Transnational Analysis 2019. Research Report on Interviews and Surveys between 2015 and 2018. Online, available here