All my papers in one place.


Bárta, Ondřej, & Moxon, Dan. (2023). EUYD10 EU Youth Conference in Alicante, Spain. Final Conference Report: Consultation on Inclusion. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej, & Ples, Marzena. (2023). Sustainability in Learning Mobility: Compendium of Practices. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej, & Moxon, Dan. (2023). EUYD9 Implementation Phase Report. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej, & Moxon, Dan. (2023). Change Tracker: Self-Assessment Tool for Identifying the Impact and Social Change Occurring as a Result of Youth Political Participation in Municipal Decision Making. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej, & Moxon, Dan. (2023). EUYD9 EU Youth Conference in Växjö, Sweden. Final Conference Report: Recommendations on Sustainability and Inclusion (Corrigendum of the conference report: typo in a name is now corrected.). Zenodo. Online, available here



Moxon, D. Bárta, O. (2022). EUYD9 Results of the Consultation Phase: Engaging together for a sustainable and inclusive Europe. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta O., Moxon D. (2022). EUYD9 EU Youth Conference in Prague, Czech Republic. Final Conference Report: Deliberations on Sustainability and Inclusion. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta O., Moxon D. (2022). EUYD9 Mid-Term Report. Good Practices and Consultation Processes. Online, available here

Bárta O. (2022). Eurodesk Youth Info Survey 2022. Eurodesk. Online, available here


Bárta O., Ples M. (2021). Sustainability in learning mobility: an exploratory study. European Platform on Learning Mobility in the Youth Field.
Online, available here

Online, available here

Bárta O. (ed.) (2021). Educational Cycle for International Volunteer Workcamp Leaders in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Italy: Learning Environments, Outcomes, and Recognition. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5902613 Online, available here

Bárta O., Marková V. (2021), “Introduction: From Educational Cycle for International Volunteer Workcamp Leaders to Formal Education Recognition.”, in Bárta O. (ed.) Educational Cycle for International Volunteer Workcamp Leaders in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Italy: Learning Environments, Outcomes, and Recognition. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5902613 Online, available here

Bárta O. (2021), “Developments in International Volunteer Workcamp Leaders in the Czech Republic. INSPIRIT Project: Czech National Research Report 2019 & 2021.”, in Bárta O. (ed.) Educational Cycle for International Volunteer Workcamp Leaders in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Italy: Learning Environments, Outcomes, and Recognition. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5902613 Online, available here

Bárta O. (2021), “Conclusions: Recognizing Developments in International Volunteer Workcamp Leaders.”, in Bárta O. (ed.) Educational Cycle for International Volunteer Workcamp Leaders in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Italy: Learning Environments, Outcomes, and Recognition. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5902613 Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej. (2021). Projekty pro mládež výzkumnou optikou Národní zpráva z šetření RAY za roky 2015 a 2017: Základní zjištění u účastníků projektů. DZS. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej. (2021). Everchanging Youth Participation in Everchanging Societies. MIHUS. Online, available here


Bárta, O., Fennes, H., Gadinger, S. (2021). RAY-LTE: Long-term Effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on Participation and Citizenship. Main Findings from Interviews and Surveys between 2015 and 2018. Research Report. Online, available here

Marques R., Tenoshvili M., Malena A., Barta O., Gojkovic T. (2021). Kick-Off Preventing and Responding to Children and Adolescent Cyberbullying Through Innovative Monitoring and Educational Technologies: Multidimensional Methodology and SocioTechnical Requirements. Online, available here


Bárta, Ondřej. (2020). Knowledge-based Approach to Moving Rural Youth Forward. Complex Evaluation Model: Guidelines for Detailed Evaluation of Youth Goals Implementation. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej. (2020). Youth Goal No.6: Moving Rural Youth Forward. Findings from Additional Analyses of the Surveys in 7th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej. (2020). Rural Youth Indicators. Open Source Indicators for Evaluating Youth Goals Implementation. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2020). Being “The researchers” in a political participatory environment. Learning from undertaking the researcher role in the EU Youth Dialogue. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2020). The 7th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue. Findings from EU Youth Dialogue Activities in the Member States and across Europe. Creating opportunities for youth. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon D., Pirvulescu C., Bárta O., Hirmo M. (2020). Vote Outside the Box: Toolkit for Electoral Management Bodies on Awareness Raising with Young People. Council of Europe and People, Dialogue & Change. Online, available here

Petkovic, Sladjana & Bárta, Ondřej. Ethical standards in youth work and how they support the development of education and career pathways of youth workers. In Taru, M., Krzaklewska, E., Basarab, T. (eds.). (2020). YOUTH WORKER EDUCATION IN EUROPE: Policies, structures, practices. Online, available here


Bárta, Ondřej. (2019). Evaluation in the Youth Field: Theoretical Framework for Evaluating Implementation of the Youth Goals. Zenodo. Online, available here

Bárta, O., Fennes, H., Gadinger, S. (2019). RAY-LTE: Long-term Effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on Participation and Citizenship. Final Transnational Analysis 2019. Research Report on Interviews and Surveys between 2015 and 2018. Online, available here

Gargulák, K. (ed.), Bárta O, Bird L., Brhlík I., Kudrnáčová M., Lisnerová K, Modrá J., Slivková H., Stránská I., Tučková M. (2019). PO STOPÁCH ABSOLVENTŮ MOBILIT V ODBORNÉM VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ. NÁRODNÍ ZPRÁVA ZA ČESKOU REPUBLIKU. DZS, Praha. Online, available here

Juhaňák, Libor, Jiří Zounek, Klára Záleská, Ondřej Bárta and Kristýna VLČKOVÁ. The relationship between the age at first computer use and students‘ perceived competence and autonomy in ICT usage : A mediation analysis. Computers & Education, 2019, vol. 141, NOV 2019, p. 1-14. ISSN 0360-1315. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103614. Online, available here

Juhaňák, Libor, Klára Záleská, Jiří Zounek, Ondřej Bárta and Kristýna Vlčková. The use of ICT by natives and immigrant children in Europe : Is there a difference? In Gómez Chova, Luis; López Martínez, Augustín; Candel Torres, Ignacio. ICERI2019 Proceedings. Seville, Spain: IATED Academy, 2019. p. 4266-4274, 9 pp. ISBN 978-84-09-14755-7. Online, available here


Bárta, Ondřej & Deželan, Tomaž. (2018). Volunteering and Labour Market Research International Comparison: Czech Republic and Slovenia. Online, available at

Bárta, Ondřej, & Moxon, Dan. (2018). Structured Dialogue VI Cycle Consultations: Quantitative Data Analyses. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Employment. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Young People, the Environment and Sustainability. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Inclusion. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Young People and the EU. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Education and Learning. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Rural Areas. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Information, Dialogue and Difference. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Youth Spaces and Everyday Participation. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: European Youth Programmes, and Youth Organisations. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Gender Equality. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). Structured Dialogue Cycle VI Thematic Report: Mental Health and Wellbeing. Zenodo. Online, available here

Moxon, Dan, & Bárta, Ondřej. (2018). The VI Cycle of Structured Dialogue Consultation. Introduction to the Final Reports. Zenodo. Online, available here

Zounek, Jiří, Klára Záleská, Libor Juhaňák, Ondřej Bárta and Kristýna Vlčková. Czech Republic and Norway on their path todigital education. Studia paedagogica, Masarykova univerzita, 2018, vol. 23, No 4, p. 11-48. ISSN 1803-7437. doi:10.5817/SP2018-4-2. Online, available here

Juhaňák, Libor, Jiří Zounek, Klára Záleská, Ondřej Bárta and Kristýna Vlčková. The Relationship between Students’ ICT Use and Their School Performance: Evidence from PISA 2015 in the Czech Republic. Orbis Scholae, Karolinum, 2018, vol. 12, No 2, p. 37-64. ISSN 1802-4637. doi:10.14712/23363177.2018.292. Online, available here


Bárta, O. (2016). Projekty pro mládež výzkumnou optikou. Národní zpráva z šetření výzkumu RAY za období let 2010 až 2013. Online, available here

Bárta, Ondřej a Zuzana Šmideková. Non-formal Learning within Learning Mobility Area: Adult Learning and Educational Perspective. In Simona Sava, Petr Novotný (edt.). Researches in Adult and Learning Education: the European Dimension. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2016. s. 123-135, 13 s. ISBN 978-88-6453-424-4.


Bárta, O., Boček, J., Husák, J., Kovacheva, S. (2014). Mladí lidé a veřejné politiky v České republice. Online, available here


Bárta, Ondřej. VZDĚLÁVACÍ NEROVNOSTI V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE A SOCIÁLNÍ ZMĚNA. Studia paedagogica, Masarykova univerzita, 2013, roč. 18, č. 1, s. 105-118. ISSN 1803-7437.