Youth Field Evaluation

Are you interested in what young people in your context strive for? Needs analysis can bring you some answers, and I can design and conduct it, as well as analyse the data!
Are you running a project and are you curious on its immediate impacts or wider influences? Formative or summative evaluation can be the tools you are looking for, both of which I can design and implement, bringing you the results!
Are you considering changes in the way you and your organization engage with young people? External and independent evaluation of your processes concluding in clear recommendations can help you set your energies in the right direction!
Do you want to know more about youth field evaluation? Have a look at my publication:
Have a look at my report based on mixed research methodology: Bárta, Ondřej. (2019). Evaluation in the Youth Field: Theoretical Framework for Evaluating Implementation of the Youth Goals. Zenodo. Online, available here